We will be visiting the book fair in the library on Wednesday and Friday this week. There is a new format which is explained in the Parent Bulletin. During our first visit on Wednesday morning, the children will be creating a wish list of books they would like to purchase. This list will be sent home with your child. On Friday, you may send cash or your credit card number and your child may purchase some items from their wish list. The book fair is also open Thursday and Friday for you to visit with your child. As always there is no obligation to purchase books. Both of our book fair visits are scheduled for the morning. Please see Ms. McGee if you have any questions. This is a new format, so we are all learning the procedure.
In the computer lab this week, the children went on BookFlix and explored stories about Easter and bunnies. The students played a game called Rice Crispies and Duck, duck goose.
A reminder that there is no school on Monday, so mailbags should be returned to school on Tuesday to exchange Snuggle Up books. Thanks in advance.
This Week:
Monday-No School
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Book Fair visit to create Wish List
Thursday-Return Sound Review books and Sight Word books
Friday-Bring your wish list and payment for any items you wish to purchase at the book fair
You may return library books, but the library will be closed for book exchange due to the book fair.
Scholastic Book Orders are due Monday, April 9.
Mark your calendars-Thursday April 19 is the LKS Open House and you will be able to visit classrooms and participate in the same activities that your child completes at school.