Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Welcome to the Burn Bulletin, the blog for Room 159 at LKS.  Please check this blog weekly for important and up to date school information.  This blog is updated each weekend during the school year.  

Your child will need a backpack for Kindergarten.  This backpack should be large enough to carry a library book, snacks, a water bottle (we do not have a fountain in our room), a lunch bag (if your child stays for lunch) and his/her mailbag (supplied by me).  Please give your child opportunities to practise opening, putting things in, taking objects out of the backpack and then zipping the backpack closed.  As your child enters school, independence (and attempting to be independent) is very important.  If your child is staying for lunch, he/she will need a reusable lunch container, with any utensils needed to eat his/her lunch.  Please label all snack containers so they can be returned to their owner when misplaced.  This is a good time to purchase extra plastic containers as they do sometimes get lost.

All students should bring 2 nutritious snacks to school each day.  We have a morning and afternoon snack in our class.  Children should not bring any food which contain or may contain nuts for their snack.  Thank you for your assistance in this matter.  Due to spills, the children will drink water from their water bottles at snack time.  They may bring juice or milk for their lunch since they will be eating in the lunch room.

Pencils, crayons, scissors, erasers and other materials are supplied by the school, but this is always a wonderful opportunity to purchase items for home during the "Back to School" sales.

Kindergarten Hours 2017-2018

Morning Entry 8:45 a.m
We will have the back door of the classroom open beginning at 8:30 to assist with an easier entry.  Please let us know of any changes to pick up or lunch routines with a note.  School announcements and attendance begins at 8:50 a.m.  Children should be in the classroom and ready to begin their day before 8:50 a.m.

Lunch  11:20 a.m.
We will dismiss the children going home for lunch to their caregivers from the wall outside the classroom.  We encourage the children to go home for lunch, if possible, as it is a nice break during the busy day.  Even going home for lunch once or twice a week is a treat and something that the children look forward to.

Afternoon Entry  12:30 p.m.

Dismissal 3:05 p.m.
We will dismiss the children to their caregivers from the wall outside the classroom.  Students attending before or after school programs or going home on the bus will be escorted by a staff 

Miss Santiago and I are looking forward to a wonderful year in Room 159.  Please continue to check this blog as I add more details and pictures of the classroom.

See you soon!