It has been a busy week in Room 159! The children are continuing with a variety of patterning activities using manipulatives. The students used straws and beads this week to continue practising their patterning skills. They enjoyed making bead snakes with Miss Paska on Thursday. The class also completed their "This is Me in October " pictures this week. They are on display at the back of the classroom. On Friday, the class cut out paper pumpkins and designed their own jack-o-lanterns. We also practised making the number 3. On Friday, we went outside and had a Fall Scavenger Hunt with our Grade 8 Reading Buddies! The children had fun looking for nature and spending time with their buddies. We will continue with patterning activities and Halloween activities this week.
This week in the computer lab the children continued to work on the website "abcya". They explored Fuzz Bugs colour patterns, Shape patterns and Make a pizza, ice cream, cupcake and robot.
We are going on our first trip Monday, October 30. We will be travelling to Strawberry Creek Farm. Permission notes and additional information was sent home on Friday in our child's mailbag. Lambton-Kingsway is a cashless school and payment details are included on the note. Please make your payment online and return the permission form by Thursday. If you wish to volunteer for the trip, please let the grade parents know. There will be 4 parent volunteers for our class along with Miss Santiago and myself. It will be a wonderful learning experience. Please contact the office if you have any difficulties paying online.
Lambton-Kingsway is collecting non-perishable food for the Toronto Food Bank with our "We Scare Hunger" food campaign. Thank you to everyone who has sent in their donations. Donations will be collected until November 1. We have currently brought in 40 food items.
It was wonderful too see everyone at the Fall Fair. What a wonderful after school activity. A reminder that school photo orders are due by October 27. Orders may be placed on-line. See your proof sheet for additional details. School retake day is Wednesday, November 1.
We have reached the next goal for our Terry Fox campaign and Tuesday, October 24 is Pyjama Day! Wear your cozy pyjamas to school and we will have a comfy day!
Our next Sharing Assembly is Friday, October 27. We will be sharing a Halloween song and celebrating the character trait of Responsibility. Award winners' families will be notified this weekend.
We will be celebrating Halloween on Tuesday, October 31. Children may wear their costumes to school. Just a reminder that make-up and face paint is easier for the children to manage than a mask. Please send a bag to school to hold any extra parts of the costume, so that no pieces are lost. Also please ensure that your child can still use the washroom and move freely around the classroom in his/her costume. Please do not include any toy weapons with your child's costume. Weather permitting the children will parade around the outside of the school following the morning announcements. We will be having a small celebration in our classroom following the parade. Thanks in advance to our parent volunteers.
This Week:
Monday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Return your trip permission form
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Last day to return your trip permission forms
Friday-Sharing Assembly
Pizza Day
Snuggle Up books exchanged
We are accepting food donations for the food bank all week!