Welcome to the end of November and the beginning of December. We started discussing germs this week, how they spread and how to stay healthy. The children had fun completing a book about germs. To show how germs spread, Ms. Santiago and I put hand sanitizer and glitter on our hands to represent germs and then shook hands and high fived the children. They could easily see how germs pass from one person to another. We also started an experiment with 2 slices of bread. I placed 1 slice of bread into a ziplock bag wearing gloves. We then passed the second slice of bread around the circle and had each student touch the bread. It was then placed into a ziplock bag. We will be watching the bread this week to see if the germs are growing on either slice of bread.
The children are enjoying shopping in our grocery store. Thank you so much for all your donations. Our shelves are now full and we do not require any more food packages. Thank you to everyone who attended our November Sharing assembly. Just a reminder, please do not post any videos or pictures of the Sharing Assembly which contain other children on social media.
Once again this year LKS is helping those less fortunate through our Stonegate Baskets. The Grade Parents have emailed information regarding our adopted family. Please contact Candace, Linda or Artie if you have any questions. Donations may be brought to the classroom beginning Monday, November 27 until Friday December 8. Thanks in advance for your generosity. It is a great way to give back during the holiday season. If possible, have your child help pick out your donation. It is a wonderful way to teach empathy and the importance of helping others.
The Kindergarten students now have time in the gym each week. We are currently taking the children to the gym in 2 groups for 20 minutes each, on Day 1 and Day 5. This week the children played Sharks and Minnows, which is a game of tag. They also played Night at the Museum, where they have to be a statue and change poses without the caretaker noticing. If the caretaker sees you moving you become a caretaker. Please ensure that your child has running shoes in their cubby for our time in the gym. Thanks to everyone who has sent in running shoes for your child's indoor shoes. On occasion we will miss our gym time for other events in the gym.
In the computer lab this week, the students explored www.pebblego.com. They explored natural happenings in the Fall. You can access pebble through the Lambton-Kingsway website. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of teacher websites to the virtual library. Click on the virtual library, proceed to quick finds and you will see pebblego. The children went to science, earth/space and then fall.
On Tuesday afternoon, we will have a Terry Fox assembly to celebrate reaching $20,000 in donations. Thanks again for your generous donations. I will be participating in the Mystery Pail Dump. There will be a number of pails to choose from, with a variety of materials inside. Fingers crossed for a safe pail with something not sticky or gooey to be dumped on my head! I am sure you will hear all about the assembly after school.
You received a brochure from the Parent Council regarding the Annual Giving Campaign in your child's mailbag on Friday. You will be receiving additional information via email this week. The brochures were to be sent home on Monday, but since mailbags do not go home on Monday, we sent them home a day early.
A reminder that Friday is a PA Day and there is no school! Please return Snuggle Up books Tuesday and Thursday to be exchanged.
This Week:
Monday-Happy Monday!
Tuesday-Computers (A), Library (B)
Terry Fox Assembly at 12:30
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Return Sound Review Books
Thursday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
60th Day of School-Zero the Hero visits
December calendars will be sent home
Scholastic Book Orders Due
Friday-PA Day-No School
Happy December!