Happy 2018! Wishing you all the best in the new year! I hope that everyone had a wonderful time with their family during the holidays. Hopefully the weather forecast is correct and we will have warmer weather for the start of the week and back to school. Miss Santiago and I collected mailbags during the last week of December and they will be sent home again on Tuesday, January 9.
Thank you to everyone who donated their time, food and drinks to our holiday party. The children had a wonderful time creating ornaments. We also made reindeer food before the holidays. Hopefully it helped Santa to find your house on December 24.
We will be completing activities relating to the New Year and January this week.
If you are planning a holiday in the upcoming months, please let us know the dates in advance, to help with scheduling your child's leader day. Thanks in advance!
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library(B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Happy Thursday
Happy 80th Day of School
Zero the Hero visits
Snuggle Up books exchanged