Sunday, 22 April 2018

     Welcome to the last full week of April!  Fingers crossed that this wonderful Spring weather is here to stay!  (finally)  I would hate to jinx it, but hopefully we can put away the mittens and snow pants.  Thank you to everyone who attended our Open House on Thursday.  Miss Santiago and I loved watching your children show you all the great things they do in Room 159.  We hope you had a great visit and can now visualize the learning activities that your children participate in.  Thanks again for spending time with us!
     We had a busy week discussing Earth Day, measuring using balances and exploring many scientific fields with the scientist.  A big thank you to our volunteers Tuesday morning, we could not have done it without you!  Throughout the week, the children discussed how to take care of the Earth, we sorted helpful and harmful activities and made our own Earth using coffee filters, markers and a spray bottle.  These will be on display next week in the hall.  The children worked in partners to use balances to compare and record objects into heavier and lighter.  It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to co-operate and record their results.
     On Tuesday morning, Scientist Janet arrived with great activities for the children to rotate through.  The children investigated chemistry using water, sand, sugar, baking soda and water.  They were astronomers looking for constellations, and even created their own personalized constellation.  As palaeontologists the children looked for fossils, made their own fossils and matched fossils to dinosaurs.  They studied sea life at the marine biology activity and became meteorologists checking water temperature and making rain.  It was a  wonderful morning of discovery.  Thank you to Parent Council for funding this great activity.  We loved it!
     In the computer lab, the children worked on abc, ya completing activities with the 5 senses.  Miss Santiago did folk dancing in the gym including "Hot, Hot, Hot" and the "ChaCha Slide."  Ask your children for some dance lessons!
     Thank you so much for helping your child dress for Beach Day on Friday.  Student Council organizes our LKS spirit days and we often have short notice.  Thanks to the Grade Parents for helping us spread the news.  The children loved wearing their shorts, googles and sunglasses.  Maybe it helped to bring this great weather!  Thanks again!
     This week's upcoming activities include our April Sharing Assembly on Thursday at 9:00 am.  Everyone is welcome.  We will be sharing a Spring poem.  On Friday is Pizza Day.
     Just a reminder, at the front of your child's sight word book, there are words for you to keep at home.  Please put them in a prominent place that your child can practise them.  For example, if they were displayed in his/her bedroom, they could read 2 or more each night before going to bed, or use them to play school.  Putting the in the kitchen, then everyone could read them.  When you leave them in the book, they often fall out at school and we don't want to lose any of the words.
     Thank you very much for your wonderful emails.  You have touched my heart!

This Week:

Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Sharing Assembly at 9:00 am
              -return Sight Word books and Sound 
              Review books
Friday-Pizza Day
           Snuggle Up books exchanged