Sunday, 18 February 2018

     Happy Family Day Weekend!  I hope that everyone enjoys this long weekend.  We have heard lots of fun plans for the children and families this week.  This was an extremely busy week in Room 159.  On Monday, we celebrated the 100th day of school.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered in the classroom and sent in snacks and drinks.  It was a great day of celebrating the first 100 days of school.  The children rotated through activities including making 100 day hats, putting 100 stickers on a paper in groups of 10, completing a puzzle counting by 10's, making a book about 100 and creating a necklace with 100 fruit loops.  
    We also completed valentine crafts this week and opened our valentines.  Thank you to everyone for helping your child complete his/her valentines.  It was wonderful to watch the students deliver their valentines and then opening all the cards on Wednesday.  They were so excited to see how many valentines they received and then reading all the names.  Miss Santiago made hot chocolate for everyone as a Valentine treat on Wednesday.  On Thursday, we went to the gym to see the Three Little Pigs put on by the Dufflebag Theatre.  It was a wonderful interactive theatre presentation.  Thanks to Parent Council for funding this special experience.  
     We will begin learning about 3 dimensional shapes this week.  We will focus on the sphere, the cone, the cube and rectangular prism and the cylinder.  During our investigation of these shapes we will introduce terms including flat faces, curved surfaces, slide and roll.  This is always a fun unit as the children enjoy learning new terms and exploring the features of the shapes.  We are creating a museum of 3d objects.  Please feel free to bring to school an example of a 3d shape you have at home, for example a tennis ball is a sphere.  Thanks in advance.  We will also be discussing Chinese New Year this week.
     Miss Santiago introduced the parachute in the gym this week and the children played a popcorn parachute game.  In the computer lab, the students explored a Valentine's Day game.  
     We will continue talking about the Olympics this week.   Throughout the day, we take the opportunity to watch special events and Olympic highlights.  We have created a medal graph to show our medal count.  Go Canada Go!
     Our February Sharing Assembly is Friday, February 23.  The Kindergarten classes will be presenting a song.  Certificates will be presented for the character trait of Fairness.  Award winners will be notified this weekend.  Sharing Assemblies begin at 9:00 am in the gym and last for approximately 20 minutes.  Everyone is welcome!
     Enjoy your child's poetry book this weekend.  A reminder to please sign and return your child's report card envelope.
     As the snow melts, please continue to send your child with snow pants or splash pants.  The Kindergarten yard can be very wet and muddy this time of year.  We don't want anyone to have wet pants and be uncomfortable at school.  Thanks so much.

This Week:
Monday-Happy Family Day!
Tuesday-I am helping with Kindergarten Registration in the afternoon, there will be a supply teacher with Miss Santiago.
              Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Library (A), Computers (B)
                Return Sound Review Books and Sight Word books
Friday-Sharing Assembly
           Pizza Day
           Snuggle Up books exchanged