Welcome to the end of February, although the weather is feeling Spring like at the moment. Hopefully the rain and dreary clouds will end soon. We discussed Chinese New Year this week and create dragons for the traditional dragon dance. On Friday we took our dragons to the office and shared a song and dragon dance with Mr. Currie and Miss Emily. We also introduced 3d shapes. Using 3d models and real life examples the children explored the sphere, the cylinder, the rectangular prism, the cone and cube. The students also worked on a book matching 3d shapes. This week we will continue to explore 3d shapes and begin to discuss their features including flat faces and curved surfaces.
We are beginning a unit on Fairy Tales this week which will include drama activities, sequencing activities and story mapping. Through a variety of stories the children will be discussing characters, setting and the beginning, middle and ending of stories. We will also be including some building challenges, stay tuned!
On Monday, LKS will be welcoming the Toronto Argonauts and the Grey Cup! We will be attending the school "Huddle Up" assembly in the afternoon. The Argonauts' "Huddle Up" mission is to improve the overall well-being of youth by creating a positive school climate and building positive character. Each student at LKS has designed a t-shirt to promote positive character. These shirts can be seen in the front hall display case. Please have a look the next time you visit the school. They look great! To show our Argo spirit, please have your child wear an Argo shirt, dark blue, light blue and or white on Monday. Thanks in advance.
On Friday, we sent home the March leader calendar. If your child's leader day is during your vacation, please trade with another student. The children who have not yet had their leader turn will continue with something they have made and the next sharing topic is a Mystery Object. Please see me or Miss Santiago if you have any questions.
The playground continues to be very wet and soggy. Please have your child wear or bring snow pants or splash pants for outdoor play. No one wants to have wet pants at school. If your child is not dressed properly for outdoor play, there are limits on the activities they can participate in. Thanks so much.
This Week:
Monday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Argos visit-wear light blue, dark blue
and/or white
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Happy March!
Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review books and Sight
Word books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Happy Friday!