Saturday, 12 May 2018

     We have been very busy this week completing special projects for Mom.  The children were so excited to make their gifts and then take them home.  We hope everyone can wait until Sunday to open them.  Thank you to all the Moms in Room 159, enjoy your special day, you deserve it.
     In the gym this week, Miss Santiago played a parachute game involving colours.  The children explored living and non-living things on Pebblego during our computer time.  During our small group time, the children coloured the popcorn words from Popcorn Song #2, and we played "I Have, Who Has? with numbers to 30.  
      On Wednesday, we had a special guest visit our classroom.  A student's grandfather, a former chemistry teacher came and demonstrated clock reactions to the class.  It was so cool watching the chemical reactions.  You can research clock reactions on Youtube.  The reactions we observed were "Old Nassau Reaction"-orange/brown. the "iodine" clock reaction and "Landont" reaction.  
     Springfest is quickly approaching on Saturday, June 2.  Tombolas (small prizes for the Tombola game) may be dropped off at the classroom all month.  Please see the letter sent home on Tuesday or Springfest emails for additional information.  We are also accepting contributions for our Springfest basket.  Thank you to everyone who have already brought their donations.  Please contact the Grade Parents if you have any questions and check out the Springfest Bulletins via email.
     We are also accepting donations of gently used books for the Children's Book Bank.  Please bring any donations to our classroom beginning Monday.  These books will be donated to children who do not have access to books.  Thanks in advance.  
     Just a reminder, please do not send your child to school with tie up shoes.  The laces become untied and pose a safety hazard while playing and going up and down the stairs.  We try to monitor untied laces, but we want to prevent any accidents.  Also, please do not have your child wear open toed shoes.  
     This week we will be discussing and sorting living and non-living things.  Later in the week, we will also be introducing Canadian coins to the children.  The children always enjoy learning about money and we will be  opening a store in the drama centre with real coins.

Thank you very much for all your help with your child's leader day projects.  We are loving learning interesting facts and vocabulary about animals and the children have become very interested in what groups of animals are called.  For example, a group of owls is a parliament, a group of penguins in the water is a raft and a group of kittens is a kindle.  

This Week:

Sunday-Happy Mother's Day

Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged 
Wednesday-Library (A), Computers (A)
Thursday-Return Sound Review books 
                Return Sight Word books
          Snuggle Up books exchanged 
A reminder Monday, May 21 is Victoria Day and there is no school.   Enjoy your long weekend!