Saturday, 5 May 2018

     Welcome to the first full week of May!  It has been an exciting week in Room 159 as we watched our sunflowers seeds grow.  All of the children's seeds have sprouted and have leaves growing.  The plants will be sent home this week. The children also labelled parts of a sunflower by writing on stickers.  Writing is always more fun on stickers.  We completed our May calendar and created beautiful flowers using scrapbook paper and bubble painting.  The children had the opportunity to blow coloured bubbles on paper and when the paper was dry, they used this unique paper to design their flowers.  We watched time lapse photography of sunflowers seeds growing on the smart board.  The children then completed a sunflower sequencing activity.  Our Reading buddies visited this week and they traced the children's hands, which we will use for counting activities this week.  They also played a variety of games together.  We always love it when our buddies visit.  We will be working on some "secret projects" this week in anticipation of Sunday.  If you know that your child will be absent on Friday, please let us know in advance.  Thanks so much.
     We enjoyed the wonderful weather this week.  Just a reminder to please have your child wear closed toed shoes to school for safety.   We would like the children to keep their indoor shoes at school, in case of muddy feet and for gym classes.  This is the perfect time of year for the children to start wearing hats for protection from the sun.  We are outside during the day when the sun is at it's hottest.  We will also help the children with sunscreen if they bring it.  There are a variety of types available and the children are able to apply the stick sunscreen independently and we are teaching them to apply the cream variety.  We will spray the children who bring the spray sunscreen.  Sunglasses are also a great idea!
     In the computer lab, the children explored plants, including where they can be found and types of plants using PebbleGo.  The children played bean bag toss in the gym.  They also learned 2 new dances, the Mayim and the Roadhouse.
     Springfest, our spring fundraising activity will be held on Saturday, June 2.  The organizing committee is looking for donations for the Tombola game.  Tombola is ball toss game where everyone who participates receives a prize, a tombola. A tombola, is a small bag of treats or toys, similar to a loot bag.  Families are asked to create small loot bags and mark them boy or girl.  These bags should be brought to your child's classroom between May 7-31.  Financial donations are also accepted.  There will be additional information sent home on Tuesday and via emails.  Please see the grade parents if you have any questions.  We are also accepting donations for our class basket which will be available  at the Silent Auction.  The Grade Parents have created a sign up sheet on-line to organize the contributions.  Thanks in advance to everyone who has donated.  

This Week:

Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Computers (A), Library (B)
Thursday-Return Sight Word books and Sound Review books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged

Bring your tombolas to class any day this week!

Sunday-Happy Mother's Day!