Happy last week of school! This year has passed so quickly and now we have suddenly arrived at the last 4 days of school. Lindsay and I would like to thank you all for your support and co-operation as we all worked together in your child's education. It has been a pleasure to be part of your child's learning and successes. Wishing you all the best as you continue the journey with your child.
We have returned all of our library books! Thanks so much for your help finding the lost books. We were excited to hear our class mentioned on the announcements and we received a tasty treat from Ms. McGee for cleaning our accounts. Thanks again!
Your child brought home an accumulation of their work on Friday. Please take some time to have a look at their amazing progress throughout the year. We created a book with their monthly pictures, which will become a treasure. Please return all the mailbags empty on Monday as we still have some things to send home later in the week. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to wash toys. Please return the toys before the end of the school year. Thanks in advance. Your help is greatly appreciated.
We discussed bees this week and will continue the discussion regarding the importance of bees and how we can help the bee population. The children are also completing a Summer Bucket List book! The class also used their rekenreks to explore numbers. We will continue to use our rekenreks to solve number problems. The rekenreks will be sent home at the end of the week with some activities you can do with your child. Enjoy! The library had inventory this week, so the children were able to use iPads in our classroom while the books were counted.
Terry Fox cookie sales will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Just a reminder, we place and pick up our order before lunch, so please send the money to school with your child. The children were excited to have Mr. Currie has a Mystery Reader this week. Please see the picture to right of the blog. Report cards will be sent home at the end of the day on Tuesday. If your child is absent on Tuesday, they will receive their report cards on Wednesday. A reminder that the SK students will not have a teacher listed on their report cards. Class lists will be posted before school starts with your child's student number.
The students attended the first part of the LKS talent show on Friday afternoon. We will attend the second part of the talent show Tuesday afternoon before the SK Graduation. A reminder that the Graduation begins at 2:00.
Thursday is the last day of school and pizza lunch. Lunch on the lawn is a LKS tradition where the school eats in the Shale Pit. Families are invited to join us for this year end celebration. The Kindergarten classes have been given a meeting place, outlined in the letter sent from the grade parents. When you arrive, we will be in the meeting spot, you are then able to collect your child, his/her pizza and continue to eat with us, or meet with siblings and other families. Miss Janice will supervise the children not accompanied by their families. If you attend, you are responsible for your child. Children should line up at our wall at 12:30 for afternoon entry as usual. Fingers crossed for wonderful weather. In case of rain, we will follow our regular pizza lunch routine. Please see me if you have any questions.
This Week:
Monday-return empty mailbags
Terry Fox cookie sales
Report cards sent home
SK Graduation 2:00-3:00
Wednesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Terry Fox cookie sales
Thursday-Pizza Day
Lunch on the Lawn
Last day of School
Friday-First Day of summer vacation!
Sunday, 24 June 2018
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Happy Father's Day to all of our wonderful Fathers in Room 159. The children have been very busy this week creating secret projects for you. I hope that everyone can wait until Sunday for their surprise. Enjoy your special day, you have earned it!
Friday was the last day for our Snuggle Up books. Please return your child's mailbag and Snuggle Up book on Monday, so we can organize our books. Ms. McGee is also collecting all the library books for her year end inventory. We have 3 outstanding books at the moment. Thank you to everyone who has returned a library book. It is greatly appreciated.
As the Senior Kindergarten children prepare for Grade 1, we are beginning to go outside for recess when our schedule permits. It has been so much fun to watch the children explore new equipment and find friends and siblings outside.
Thank you to everyone who has been sending sunscreen and hats with your child. We are working hard to keep everyone sun safe. The children are becoming very independent putting on their sunscreen. The stick sunscreen has become very popular with the children. Please check out the selection the next time you are in the drugstore.
This week we will be discussing bees and their importance in our world. We will also begin some adding activities. We have now completed our investigation of the numbers to 10. The Seniors completed a money review activity on Friday.
Our Reading Buddies are graduating this year and moving to Grade 9. They are on their Graduation Trip next week, so we had our last visit on Thursday. The kindergarten students created cards and treat bags for their buddies. It was wonderful working with Mr. Bracht and the Grade 8 students this year.
Just a reminder that during this very warm time of year going home for lunch is always a wonderful treat. It gives your chid an opportunity to change their environment, cool off and enjoy a quieter place. I realize that this is not an option for everyone, but please take the opportunity if you can.
Our last Sharing Assembly is Friday, June 22. The Award Winners have been notified. All children will have received an award throughout the year. If I have missed anyone, please let me know immediately. See you there!
This Week:
Sunday-Happy Father's Day!
Monday-Return Snuggle Up books and mailbags
Wednesday-$2.00 for Terry Fox cookie
Library (A), Computers (B)
Thursday-First Day of Summer
Friday-Sharing Assembly
Library (B), Computers (A)
Mark your calendar-Lunch on the Lawn-Thursday, June 28, everyone is invited!
Friday was the last day for our Snuggle Up books. Please return your child's mailbag and Snuggle Up book on Monday, so we can organize our books. Ms. McGee is also collecting all the library books for her year end inventory. We have 3 outstanding books at the moment. Thank you to everyone who has returned a library book. It is greatly appreciated.
As the Senior Kindergarten children prepare for Grade 1, we are beginning to go outside for recess when our schedule permits. It has been so much fun to watch the children explore new equipment and find friends and siblings outside.
Thank you to everyone who has been sending sunscreen and hats with your child. We are working hard to keep everyone sun safe. The children are becoming very independent putting on their sunscreen. The stick sunscreen has become very popular with the children. Please check out the selection the next time you are in the drugstore.
This week we will be discussing bees and their importance in our world. We will also begin some adding activities. We have now completed our investigation of the numbers to 10. The Seniors completed a money review activity on Friday.
Our Reading Buddies are graduating this year and moving to Grade 9. They are on their Graduation Trip next week, so we had our last visit on Thursday. The kindergarten students created cards and treat bags for their buddies. It was wonderful working with Mr. Bracht and the Grade 8 students this year.
Just a reminder that during this very warm time of year going home for lunch is always a wonderful treat. It gives your chid an opportunity to change their environment, cool off and enjoy a quieter place. I realize that this is not an option for everyone, but please take the opportunity if you can.
Our last Sharing Assembly is Friday, June 22. The Award Winners have been notified. All children will have received an award throughout the year. If I have missed anyone, please let me know immediately. See you there!
This Week:
Sunday-Happy Father's Day!
Monday-Return Snuggle Up books and mailbags
Wednesday-$2.00 for Terry Fox cookie
Library (A), Computers (B)
Thursday-First Day of Summer
Friday-Sharing Assembly
Library (B), Computers (A)
Mark your calendar-Lunch on the Lawn-Thursday, June 28, everyone is invited!
Friday, 8 June 2018
Welcome to the middle of June! We had a busy week in Room 159. We have introduced all of the coins and will continue to practise their names, values and features. The children completed their "This is Me in June" picture this week. They will be posted in the classroom later next week. We also finished our art for the top of the June calendar. Last week we used oil pastels to colour a sheet of paper and then we painted the entire paper black. Using chop sticks, the children exposed the colours to make fireworks. Everyone had a great time designing their own fireworks after watching firework displays on the Smartboard. We worked on a special task with our Reading Buddies this week. All will be revealed next weekend. Shhhh it's a secret!
The last weeks of school are always very busy. Please continue to read the blog to have all the information and dates that you need. All library books are due this week and the children will not be borrowing new books. Please return all library books as soon as possible. We want to clear our classroom account. Enjoy your child's poetry book this weekend and please return it for our end of the year poems. The poetry books will be sent home to keep at the end of the year.
The children played soccer with Ms. Santiago in the gym this week. In the computer lab, they explored a dice counting game called "Race to Five" on abc.ya.
A reminder to Senior Kindergarten parents-please send me your child's baby picture and return your graduation RSVP this week. Thanks in advance.
Terry Fox t-shirt order forms were sent home on Thursday in your child's mailbag. The shirts will be delivered in September. There will be a display in the front hall June 11-14 and June 18-21 for sizes and ordering. You may also return your order form and payment to our classroom. This is your only opportunity to order t-shirts, they are not available in September. The money raised from selling the t-shirts goes directly to our Terry Fox campaign. Show your spirit and get a Terry Fox shirt!
Our last pizza day is Thursday, June 28 and it is also Lunch on the Lawn. Lunch on the Lawn is a tradition at LKS where families are invited to lunch and everyone eats together in the Shale Pit. Fingers crossed for nice weather. Please try to join us for this special event on the last day of school. When you attend Lunch on the Lawn, you will eat with your child and other friends, and be responsible for him/her for the lunch hour. Children who do not have families attending this event, will eat with the lunch room supervisor as usual.
Just a reminder regarding lace up shoes. Shoelaces become untied very easily and pose a safety hazard. Please continue to have your chid wear velcro shoes for safety reasons. Please no open toed sandals also.
This Week:
Monday-Return all library books
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Table 21 Event
Wednesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
$2.00 for a Terry Fox cookie
Thursday-Return Sound Review books and Sight
Word Book
Friday-Last day for Snuggle Up books
Library (B), Computers (A)
The last weeks of school are always very busy. Please continue to read the blog to have all the information and dates that you need. All library books are due this week and the children will not be borrowing new books. Please return all library books as soon as possible. We want to clear our classroom account. Enjoy your child's poetry book this weekend and please return it for our end of the year poems. The poetry books will be sent home to keep at the end of the year.
The children played soccer with Ms. Santiago in the gym this week. In the computer lab, they explored a dice counting game called "Race to Five" on abc.ya.
A reminder to Senior Kindergarten parents-please send me your child's baby picture and return your graduation RSVP this week. Thanks in advance.
Terry Fox t-shirt order forms were sent home on Thursday in your child's mailbag. The shirts will be delivered in September. There will be a display in the front hall June 11-14 and June 18-21 for sizes and ordering. You may also return your order form and payment to our classroom. This is your only opportunity to order t-shirts, they are not available in September. The money raised from selling the t-shirts goes directly to our Terry Fox campaign. Show your spirit and get a Terry Fox shirt!
Our last pizza day is Thursday, June 28 and it is also Lunch on the Lawn. Lunch on the Lawn is a tradition at LKS where families are invited to lunch and everyone eats together in the Shale Pit. Fingers crossed for nice weather. Please try to join us for this special event on the last day of school. When you attend Lunch on the Lawn, you will eat with your child and other friends, and be responsible for him/her for the lunch hour. Children who do not have families attending this event, will eat with the lunch room supervisor as usual.
Just a reminder regarding lace up shoes. Shoelaces become untied very easily and pose a safety hazard. Please continue to have your chid wear velcro shoes for safety reasons. Please no open toed sandals also.
This Week:
Monday-Return all library books
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Table 21 Event
Wednesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
$2.00 for a Terry Fox cookie
Thursday-Return Sound Review books and Sight
Word Book
Friday-Last day for Snuggle Up books
Library (B), Computers (A)
Saturday, 2 June 2018
Happy June! It is difficult to believe that this is the last month of school. This Spring has gone by so quickly! As always, June is a busy month. It begins today with Springfest from 10:00-2:00 at school. It is a great fundraiser for all the wonderful things we do at LKS. Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Springfest basket and everyone who has volunteered their time to make Springfest a success. Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated! Our baskets are in the gym all ready for the Silent Auction. If you preordered wristbands for Springfest, they are in your child's mailbag. It has been a very hot week in Toronto. The air conditioning is our classroom continues to work inconsistently and we often still have very warm temperatures in our classroom. Thank you to everyone who takes their child home for lunch for a cool break. It is greatly appreciated. Our lunch hour is from 11:20 to 12:30. Thank you to everyone who sends sunscreen and a hat for your child to protect them from the sun. We continue to help with sunscreen and search for as many hats as we can find in backpacks. Sunglasses are also a great idea!
A reminder to unpack your child's mailbag on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please continue to read the Snuggle Up books with your child and discuss the work they have done that week at school. They have wonderful learning to share with you. Mailbags will continue until Friday, June 15. Please keep looking for library books, Ms. McGee will be sending home reminders for last books soon. We are always excited to hear our name on the announcements when we clear our classroom account.
We have introduced the quarter and the loonie this week. The children are also enjoying using real coins in our classroom store. The children completed their June calendar on Friday. They are completing a multi-stage art project for the top of the calendar. We started colouring with oil pastels and then we painted black over our colourful abstract art. The next step will begin on Monday. All will be revealed on Friday! Hint-it involves chopsticks! On Wednesday, we created rekenreks with our Reading Buddies. Rekenreks have 2 rows of 10 beads and are used to support numbers sense. They help to build awareness of numbers 0-20 and number combinations of 5 and 10. We will use these in upcoming math activities. As always it is a pleasure for Mr. Bracht, Ms, Santiago and I to watch the Grade 8 students work with our Kindergarten students. Both classes are always so excited when we get together.
The Senior Kindergarten students received their Graduation invitations in their mailbags Friday. Please fill out the bottom portion and return it to school. Also baby pictures are due by the end of the week. Please feel email your baby pictures to ellenburn@bell.net Thanks in advance.
Ms. Santiago taught the children a new game in the gym called Guardians of the Farmhouse. In the computer lab, the students played Sight Work Bingo on the Abcya website.
Have a wonderful weekend! A reminder there is no school on Friday. Please return your child's Sight Word book and Sound Review book on Wednesday, so we have time to add the new work.
This Week:
Tuesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Terry Fox cookie sales $2.00 each
Return Sight word books and Sound Review books
Thursday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Friday-PA Day-No School!
A reminder to unpack your child's mailbag on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please continue to read the Snuggle Up books with your child and discuss the work they have done that week at school. They have wonderful learning to share with you. Mailbags will continue until Friday, June 15. Please keep looking for library books, Ms. McGee will be sending home reminders for last books soon. We are always excited to hear our name on the announcements when we clear our classroom account.
We have introduced the quarter and the loonie this week. The children are also enjoying using real coins in our classroom store. The children completed their June calendar on Friday. They are completing a multi-stage art project for the top of the calendar. We started colouring with oil pastels and then we painted black over our colourful abstract art. The next step will begin on Monday. All will be revealed on Friday! Hint-it involves chopsticks! On Wednesday, we created rekenreks with our Reading Buddies. Rekenreks have 2 rows of 10 beads and are used to support numbers sense. They help to build awareness of numbers 0-20 and number combinations of 5 and 10. We will use these in upcoming math activities. As always it is a pleasure for Mr. Bracht, Ms, Santiago and I to watch the Grade 8 students work with our Kindergarten students. Both classes are always so excited when we get together.
The Senior Kindergarten students received their Graduation invitations in their mailbags Friday. Please fill out the bottom portion and return it to school. Also baby pictures are due by the end of the week. Please feel email your baby pictures to ellenburn@bell.net Thanks in advance.
Ms. Santiago taught the children a new game in the gym called Guardians of the Farmhouse. In the computer lab, the students played Sight Work Bingo on the Abcya website.
Have a wonderful weekend! A reminder there is no school on Friday. Please return your child's Sight Word book and Sound Review book on Wednesday, so we have time to add the new work.
This Week:
Tuesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Terry Fox cookie sales $2.00 each
Return Sight word books and Sound Review books
Thursday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Friday-PA Day-No School!
Saturday, 26 May 2018
Welcome to the last week of May! The countdown to summer vacation will begin soon! Just a reminder to continue to read the blog weekly, as this time of year there are often special activities and changes in schedules. Thanks in advance.
We had a short, but busy week in Room 159. We continued to work on our Van Gogh paintings and many of our masterpieces are complete. Please have a look at our bulletin board in the hall. We have received many compliments on our art and Mr. Currie included us on his twitter feed this week. We went outside with our Reading Buddies and looked in the playground for examples of living and non-living objects. We have also introduced the features and value of the dime this week. Everyone was excited to discuss seeing the Queen at the Royal wedding after talking about her on our coins. We have also been counting nickels and dimes, since we are able to count by 5's and 10's. Our "This is Me in May" pictures are also completed and will be in our classroom later this week.
On Friday morning, we had a wonderful presentation entitled Visions of Turtle Island. This was presented by members of the Six Nations Reserve and they introduced the audience to First Nations' powwow singing and dancing. We learned that dance and music the First Nations' people's way of giving thanks and enjoying each other's company through social dances.
In the gym this week the children played Clean the Gym and in the computer lab, Ms Santiago introduced Number Bingo on abc.ya.
The Grade 7 classes are continuing to accept donations to the Children's Book Bank until Monday morning. Thanks for all your donations. Please bring in any last minute donations with your child at entry on Monday.
June calendars were sent home on Friday. It includes June, July and August birthdays. Please let me know if I have missed any birthdays. As you can imagine, this calendar is full.
The award winners for the Sharing Assembly on Thursday have been notified. I will notify the June winners in the upcoming weeks.
Just a reminder to SK parents to please sent me your child's baby picture or toddler picture for our Senior Kindergarten graduation. Thanks so much!
This is also the last week for Springfest basket and Tombola donations. We would like all Springfest basket donations Monday morning. Tombola donations should be sent in by Thursday. Thanks again for your generosity. It takes everyone to make Springfest a success. Please see e-mails from the Grade Parents for your opportunity to volunteer. See you on Saturday, fingers crossed for wonderful weather.
This Week:
Monday-Bring your book bank donations
Bring your Springfest basket donations
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Library (A), Computers (B)
Thursday-Sharing Assembly
Library (B), Computers(A)
Return Sight Word books and Sound Review Books
Scholastic Book orders due!
Friday-Happy June!
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Saturday-Springfest 10:00-2:00 See you there!
We had a short, but busy week in Room 159. We continued to work on our Van Gogh paintings and many of our masterpieces are complete. Please have a look at our bulletin board in the hall. We have received many compliments on our art and Mr. Currie included us on his twitter feed this week. We went outside with our Reading Buddies and looked in the playground for examples of living and non-living objects. We have also introduced the features and value of the dime this week. Everyone was excited to discuss seeing the Queen at the Royal wedding after talking about her on our coins. We have also been counting nickels and dimes, since we are able to count by 5's and 10's. Our "This is Me in May" pictures are also completed and will be in our classroom later this week.
On Friday morning, we had a wonderful presentation entitled Visions of Turtle Island. This was presented by members of the Six Nations Reserve and they introduced the audience to First Nations' powwow singing and dancing. We learned that dance and music the First Nations' people's way of giving thanks and enjoying each other's company through social dances.
In the gym this week the children played Clean the Gym and in the computer lab, Ms Santiago introduced Number Bingo on abc.ya.
The Grade 7 classes are continuing to accept donations to the Children's Book Bank until Monday morning. Thanks for all your donations. Please bring in any last minute donations with your child at entry on Monday.
June calendars were sent home on Friday. It includes June, July and August birthdays. Please let me know if I have missed any birthdays. As you can imagine, this calendar is full.
The award winners for the Sharing Assembly on Thursday have been notified. I will notify the June winners in the upcoming weeks.
Just a reminder to SK parents to please sent me your child's baby picture or toddler picture for our Senior Kindergarten graduation. Thanks so much!
This is also the last week for Springfest basket and Tombola donations. We would like all Springfest basket donations Monday morning. Tombola donations should be sent in by Thursday. Thanks again for your generosity. It takes everyone to make Springfest a success. Please see e-mails from the Grade Parents for your opportunity to volunteer. See you on Saturday, fingers crossed for wonderful weather.
This Week:
Monday-Bring your book bank donations
Bring your Springfest basket donations
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Library (A), Computers (B)
Thursday-Sharing Assembly
Library (B), Computers(A)
Return Sight Word books and Sound Review Books
Scholastic Book orders due!
Friday-Happy June!
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Saturday-Springfest 10:00-2:00 See you there!
Saturday, 19 May 2018
Happy Victoria Day weekend! Hopefully the weather will co-operate for the rest of the weekend. Enjoy the long weekend and travel safely.
The children explored living and non-living things this week. They had the opportunity to sort pictures on a "T" chart and on Tuesday they drew pictures and labelled their own ideas of living and non-living things. Miss Santiago and I loved their great ideas and writing. We also began our study of money, beginning with the nickel. We will discuss the features and values of Canadian coins. Our classroom store is also open, with a cash register, real coins and a variety of things to purchase. We also practised counting by 10's and 5's this week.
After planting and watching our sunflowers grow, we have also introduced the children to some of the art of Vincent Van Gogh, especially his sunflower paintings. The children are in the process of completing their own sunflower masterpiece. You can see the process in the pictures to the right of the blog. We will put the paintings in the hall as they are completed this week. One amazing fact we discovered this week, Van Gogh only sold one painting while he was alive and now his paintings are priceless.
We also discussed the Royal Wedding on Friday. The children were excited to discover that Queen Elizabeth was Prince Harry's grandmother. We had been talking about Queen Elizabeth during our discussion of coins. It is wonderful when information we are learning overlaps into other areas. The children were excited to watch the wedding on Saturday. I hope none of the children woke you up at 4:00 to see the wedding live. I have to admit that Steve and I were up this morning at 4:00 am to watch every minute!
Ms. McGee has sent home overdue library notices this week. As the end of the school year approaches, we will continue to look for overdue books. All books must be returned to the library by June 11. We have sent home the last Scholastic Book order for the school year. Your book orders are due to school by May 31. You may place your order on-line if you wish. Thanks in advance.
In the computer lab this week, the children worked on BookFlix and read the story, "It Could Still be a Flower". They watched the story, "Planting a Rainbow." In the gym, Miss Santiago, introduced "Ribbit, Ribbit, Jump" and "Robot".
The Grade 7 classes are continuing to collect books for The Children's Book Bank. They are collecting slightly used children's books to be donated to less fortunate children. All donations may be brought to our classroom this week. Friday is the last day for donations. Thanks in advance.
The Springfest Committee is collecting Tombolas for Springfest. Please read the information email from the Grade parents for more information. Tomblas should be brought to the classroom also.
The Terry Fox committee is selling ice cream sandwiches and cookies on Wednesdays to raise money for our Terry Fox campaign. The Kindergarten teachers have discussed this and due to the timing of lunch periods, the size of ice cream sandwiches and the mess, Kindergarten children will not be able to purchase the ice cream sandwiches. They will be able to purchase the cookies if you wish. As always there is no obligation to participate in this fundraiser. More information can be found in the LKS Bulletin. Thanks for your support in this decision.
This Week:
Monday-Happy Victoria Day!
Tuesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Snuggle Up Books exchanged
Wednesday-Bring your donations for the Book Bank
Thursday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Bring your Sound Review Books and
Sight Word Books
Friday-Pizza Lunch
Snuggle Up books exchanged
**ALL WEEK**-Bring your Donations for the Book Bank
Bring in your tombolas
The children explored living and non-living things this week. They had the opportunity to sort pictures on a "T" chart and on Tuesday they drew pictures and labelled their own ideas of living and non-living things. Miss Santiago and I loved their great ideas and writing. We also began our study of money, beginning with the nickel. We will discuss the features and values of Canadian coins. Our classroom store is also open, with a cash register, real coins and a variety of things to purchase. We also practised counting by 10's and 5's this week.
After planting and watching our sunflowers grow, we have also introduced the children to some of the art of Vincent Van Gogh, especially his sunflower paintings. The children are in the process of completing their own sunflower masterpiece. You can see the process in the pictures to the right of the blog. We will put the paintings in the hall as they are completed this week. One amazing fact we discovered this week, Van Gogh only sold one painting while he was alive and now his paintings are priceless.
We also discussed the Royal Wedding on Friday. The children were excited to discover that Queen Elizabeth was Prince Harry's grandmother. We had been talking about Queen Elizabeth during our discussion of coins. It is wonderful when information we are learning overlaps into other areas. The children were excited to watch the wedding on Saturday. I hope none of the children woke you up at 4:00 to see the wedding live. I have to admit that Steve and I were up this morning at 4:00 am to watch every minute!
Ms. McGee has sent home overdue library notices this week. As the end of the school year approaches, we will continue to look for overdue books. All books must be returned to the library by June 11. We have sent home the last Scholastic Book order for the school year. Your book orders are due to school by May 31. You may place your order on-line if you wish. Thanks in advance.
In the computer lab this week, the children worked on BookFlix and read the story, "It Could Still be a Flower". They watched the story, "Planting a Rainbow." In the gym, Miss Santiago, introduced "Ribbit, Ribbit, Jump" and "Robot".
The Grade 7 classes are continuing to collect books for The Children's Book Bank. They are collecting slightly used children's books to be donated to less fortunate children. All donations may be brought to our classroom this week. Friday is the last day for donations. Thanks in advance.
The Springfest Committee is collecting Tombolas for Springfest. Please read the information email from the Grade parents for more information. Tomblas should be brought to the classroom also.
The Terry Fox committee is selling ice cream sandwiches and cookies on Wednesdays to raise money for our Terry Fox campaign. The Kindergarten teachers have discussed this and due to the timing of lunch periods, the size of ice cream sandwiches and the mess, Kindergarten children will not be able to purchase the ice cream sandwiches. They will be able to purchase the cookies if you wish. As always there is no obligation to participate in this fundraiser. More information can be found in the LKS Bulletin. Thanks for your support in this decision.
This Week:
Monday-Happy Victoria Day!
Tuesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Snuggle Up Books exchanged
Wednesday-Bring your donations for the Book Bank
Thursday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Bring your Sound Review Books and
Sight Word Books
Friday-Pizza Lunch
Snuggle Up books exchanged
**ALL WEEK**-Bring your Donations for the Book Bank
Bring in your tombolas
Saturday, 12 May 2018
We have been very busy this week completing special projects for Mom. The children were so excited to make their gifts and then take them home. We hope everyone can wait until Sunday to open them. Thank you to all the Moms in Room 159, enjoy your special day, you deserve it.
In the gym this week, Miss Santiago played a parachute game involving colours. The children explored living and non-living things on Pebblego during our computer time. During our small group time, the children coloured the popcorn words from Popcorn Song #2, and we played "I Have, Who Has? with numbers to 30.
On Wednesday, we had a special guest visit our classroom. A student's grandfather, a former chemistry teacher came and demonstrated clock reactions to the class. It was so cool watching the chemical reactions. You can research clock reactions on Youtube. The reactions we observed were "Old Nassau Reaction"-orange/brown. the "iodine" clock reaction and "Landont" reaction.
Springfest is quickly approaching on Saturday, June 2. Tombolas (small prizes for the Tombola game) may be dropped off at the classroom all month. Please see the letter sent home on Tuesday or Springfest emails for additional information. We are also accepting contributions for our Springfest basket. Thank you to everyone who have already brought their donations. Please contact the Grade Parents if you have any questions and check out the Springfest Bulletins via email.
We are also accepting donations of gently used books for the Children's Book Bank. Please bring any donations to our classroom beginning Monday. These books will be donated to children who do not have access to books. Thanks in advance.
Just a reminder, please do not send your child to school with tie up shoes. The laces become untied and pose a safety hazard while playing and going up and down the stairs. We try to monitor untied laces, but we want to prevent any accidents. Also, please do not have your child wear open toed shoes.
This week we will be discussing and sorting living and non-living things. Later in the week, we will also be introducing Canadian coins to the children. The children always enjoy learning about money and we will be opening a store in the drama centre with real coins.
Thank you very much for all your help with your child's leader day projects. We are loving learning interesting facts and vocabulary about animals and the children have become very interested in what groups of animals are called. For example, a group of owls is a parliament, a group of penguins in the water is a raft and a group of kittens is a kindle.
This Week:
Sunday-Happy Mother's Day
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library (A), Computers (A)
Thursday-Return Sound Review books
Return Sight Word books
Snuggle Up books exchanged
A reminder Monday, May 21 is Victoria Day and there is no school. Enjoy your long weekend!
In the gym this week, Miss Santiago played a parachute game involving colours. The children explored living and non-living things on Pebblego during our computer time. During our small group time, the children coloured the popcorn words from Popcorn Song #2, and we played "I Have, Who Has? with numbers to 30.
On Wednesday, we had a special guest visit our classroom. A student's grandfather, a former chemistry teacher came and demonstrated clock reactions to the class. It was so cool watching the chemical reactions. You can research clock reactions on Youtube. The reactions we observed were "Old Nassau Reaction"-orange/brown. the "iodine" clock reaction and "Landont" reaction.
Springfest is quickly approaching on Saturday, June 2. Tombolas (small prizes for the Tombola game) may be dropped off at the classroom all month. Please see the letter sent home on Tuesday or Springfest emails for additional information. We are also accepting contributions for our Springfest basket. Thank you to everyone who have already brought their donations. Please contact the Grade Parents if you have any questions and check out the Springfest Bulletins via email.
We are also accepting donations of gently used books for the Children's Book Bank. Please bring any donations to our classroom beginning Monday. These books will be donated to children who do not have access to books. Thanks in advance.
Just a reminder, please do not send your child to school with tie up shoes. The laces become untied and pose a safety hazard while playing and going up and down the stairs. We try to monitor untied laces, but we want to prevent any accidents. Also, please do not have your child wear open toed shoes.
This week we will be discussing and sorting living and non-living things. Later in the week, we will also be introducing Canadian coins to the children. The children always enjoy learning about money and we will be opening a store in the drama centre with real coins.
Thank you very much for all your help with your child's leader day projects. We are loving learning interesting facts and vocabulary about animals and the children have become very interested in what groups of animals are called. For example, a group of owls is a parliament, a group of penguins in the water is a raft and a group of kittens is a kindle.
This Week:
Sunday-Happy Mother's Day
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library (A), Computers (A)
Thursday-Return Sound Review books
Return Sight Word books
Snuggle Up books exchanged
A reminder Monday, May 21 is Victoria Day and there is no school. Enjoy your long weekend!
Saturday, 5 May 2018
Welcome to the first full week of May! It has been an exciting week in Room 159 as we watched our sunflowers seeds grow. All of the children's seeds have sprouted and have leaves growing. The plants will be sent home this week. The children also labelled parts of a sunflower by writing on stickers. Writing is always more fun on stickers. We completed our May calendar and created beautiful flowers using scrapbook paper and bubble painting. The children had the opportunity to blow coloured bubbles on paper and when the paper was dry, they used this unique paper to design their flowers. We watched time lapse photography of sunflowers seeds growing on the smart board. The children then completed a sunflower sequencing activity. Our Reading buddies visited this week and they traced the children's hands, which we will use for counting activities this week. They also played a variety of games together. We always love it when our buddies visit. We will be working on some "secret projects" this week in anticipation of Sunday. If you know that your child will be absent on Friday, please let us know in advance. Thanks so much.
We enjoyed the wonderful weather this week. Just a reminder to please have your child wear closed toed shoes to school for safety. We would like the children to keep their indoor shoes at school, in case of muddy feet and for gym classes. This is the perfect time of year for the children to start wearing hats for protection from the sun. We are outside during the day when the sun is at it's hottest. We will also help the children with sunscreen if they bring it. There are a variety of types available and the children are able to apply the stick sunscreen independently and we are teaching them to apply the cream variety. We will spray the children who bring the spray sunscreen. Sunglasses are also a great idea!
In the computer lab, the children explored plants, including where they can be found and types of plants using PebbleGo. The children played bean bag toss in the gym. They also learned 2 new dances, the Mayim and the Roadhouse.
Springfest, our spring fundraising activity will be held on Saturday, June 2. The organizing committee is looking for donations for the Tombola game. Tombola is ball toss game where everyone who participates receives a prize, a tombola. A tombola, is a small bag of treats or toys, similar to a loot bag. Families are asked to create small loot bags and mark them boy or girl. These bags should be brought to your child's classroom between May 7-31. Financial donations are also accepted. There will be additional information sent home on Tuesday and via emails. Please see the grade parents if you have any questions. We are also accepting donations for our class basket which will be available at the Silent Auction. The Grade Parents have created a sign up sheet on-line to organize the contributions. Thanks in advance to everyone who has donated.
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Computers (A), Library (B)
Thursday-Return Sight Word books and Sound Review books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Bring your tombolas to class any day this week!
Sunday-Happy Mother's Day!
We enjoyed the wonderful weather this week. Just a reminder to please have your child wear closed toed shoes to school for safety. We would like the children to keep their indoor shoes at school, in case of muddy feet and for gym classes. This is the perfect time of year for the children to start wearing hats for protection from the sun. We are outside during the day when the sun is at it's hottest. We will also help the children with sunscreen if they bring it. There are a variety of types available and the children are able to apply the stick sunscreen independently and we are teaching them to apply the cream variety. We will spray the children who bring the spray sunscreen. Sunglasses are also a great idea!
In the computer lab, the children explored plants, including where they can be found and types of plants using PebbleGo. The children played bean bag toss in the gym. They also learned 2 new dances, the Mayim and the Roadhouse.
Springfest, our spring fundraising activity will be held on Saturday, June 2. The organizing committee is looking for donations for the Tombola game. Tombola is ball toss game where everyone who participates receives a prize, a tombola. A tombola, is a small bag of treats or toys, similar to a loot bag. Families are asked to create small loot bags and mark them boy or girl. These bags should be brought to your child's classroom between May 7-31. Financial donations are also accepted. There will be additional information sent home on Tuesday and via emails. Please see the grade parents if you have any questions. We are also accepting donations for our class basket which will be available at the Silent Auction. The Grade Parents have created a sign up sheet on-line to organize the contributions. Thanks in advance to everyone who has donated.
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Computers (A), Library (B)
Thursday-Return Sight Word books and Sound Review books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Bring your tombolas to class any day this week!
Sunday-Happy Mother's Day!
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Happy May! It is hard to believe that there are only 2 more months of school left. April has flown by. May leader calendars were sent home on Friday. The Sharing theme for May is animal research. The leader should choose an animal they want to learn more about, bring in a picture or representation and then tell the class 2 or 3 interesting facts they have learned. It is a great introduction to doing research and a great way to teach your classmates new information. Please see Mrs. Burn or Miss Santiago if you have any questions.
We went outside with our Reading Buddies on Tuesday, looked for signs of Spring and made a list of what we saw. It is always nice to be outside and exploring nature in this wonderful weather. We also began learning about plants this week. We planted sunflower seeds and have placed our cups on the window ledge to get lots of sunlight. The children enjoyed making a flip book and labelling what plants need to grow. We have created sunflowers and will label the parts of a plant this week.
In the gym, Miss Santiago continued to teach the children new dances and this week the children learned "At the Hop" and "Cotton Eye Joe". We split the children into 2 groups during our gym time, and each group has 20 minutes in the gym and 20 minutes in the classroom. We are able to do some small group activities and games with the smaller groups. This week the children played "I Have" and "Who Has?" with words and numbers. Each child was given 2 cards and they had to listen to their classmates for their number or word and continue the game. A great time was had by all! In the computer lab, the children played Earth Day games on Starfall.
Springfest, LKS's annual fun fair will be held on Saturday June 2. The Grade Parents have sent out a sign up sheet for our basket, Summer Fun. Each year, classes create baskets which are part of the Silent Auction. Please see the sign up opportunity sent by the Grade Parents. Donations may be brought to the classroom and will be placed in our basket. Please contact the Grade Parents if you have any questions. Thanks in advance to Candace, Artie and Linda for their organization. It is greatly appreciated. Mark your calendars for Springfest. It is always a great day to see friends and neighbours. More details regarding volunteering will be sent out soon!
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Happy May!
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Return Sound Review Books and Sight Word books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Welcome to the last full week of April! Fingers crossed that this wonderful Spring weather is here to stay! (finally) I would hate to jinx it, but hopefully we can put away the mittens and snow pants. Thank you to everyone who attended our Open House on Thursday. Miss Santiago and I loved watching your children show you all the great things they do in Room 159. We hope you had a great visit and can now visualize the learning activities that your children participate in. Thanks again for spending time with us!
We had a busy week discussing Earth Day, measuring using balances and exploring many scientific fields with the scientist. A big thank you to our volunteers Tuesday morning, we could not have done it without you! Throughout the week, the children discussed how to take care of the Earth, we sorted helpful and harmful activities and made our own Earth using coffee filters, markers and a spray bottle. These will be on display next week in the hall. The children worked in partners to use balances to compare and record objects into heavier and lighter. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to co-operate and record their results.
On Tuesday morning, Scientist Janet arrived with great activities for the children to rotate through. The children investigated chemistry using water, sand, sugar, baking soda and water. They were astronomers looking for constellations, and even created their own personalized constellation. As palaeontologists the children looked for fossils, made their own fossils and matched fossils to dinosaurs. They studied sea life at the marine biology activity and became meteorologists checking water temperature and making rain. It was a wonderful morning of discovery. Thank you to Parent Council for funding this great activity. We loved it!
In the computer lab, the children worked on abc, ya completing activities with the 5 senses. Miss Santiago did folk dancing in the gym including "Hot, Hot, Hot" and the "ChaCha Slide." Ask your children for some dance lessons!
Thank you so much for helping your child dress for Beach Day on Friday. Student Council organizes our LKS spirit days and we often have short notice. Thanks to the Grade Parents for helping us spread the news. The children loved wearing their shorts, googles and sunglasses. Maybe it helped to bring this great weather! Thanks again!
This week's upcoming activities include our April Sharing Assembly on Thursday at 9:00 am. Everyone is welcome. We will be sharing a Spring poem. On Friday is Pizza Day.
Just a reminder, at the front of your child's sight word book, there are words for you to keep at home. Please put them in a prominent place that your child can practise them. For example, if they were displayed in his/her bedroom, they could read 2 or more each night before going to bed, or use them to play school. Putting the in the kitchen, then everyone could read them. When you leave them in the book, they often fall out at school and we don't want to lose any of the words.
Thank you very much for your wonderful emails. You have touched my heart!
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Sharing Assembly at 9:00 am
-return Sight Word books and Sound
Review books
Friday-Pizza Day
Snuggle Up books exchanged
We had a busy week discussing Earth Day, measuring using balances and exploring many scientific fields with the scientist. A big thank you to our volunteers Tuesday morning, we could not have done it without you! Throughout the week, the children discussed how to take care of the Earth, we sorted helpful and harmful activities and made our own Earth using coffee filters, markers and a spray bottle. These will be on display next week in the hall. The children worked in partners to use balances to compare and record objects into heavier and lighter. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to co-operate and record their results.
On Tuesday morning, Scientist Janet arrived with great activities for the children to rotate through. The children investigated chemistry using water, sand, sugar, baking soda and water. They were astronomers looking for constellations, and even created their own personalized constellation. As palaeontologists the children looked for fossils, made their own fossils and matched fossils to dinosaurs. They studied sea life at the marine biology activity and became meteorologists checking water temperature and making rain. It was a wonderful morning of discovery. Thank you to Parent Council for funding this great activity. We loved it!
In the computer lab, the children worked on abc, ya completing activities with the 5 senses. Miss Santiago did folk dancing in the gym including "Hot, Hot, Hot" and the "ChaCha Slide." Ask your children for some dance lessons!
Thank you so much for helping your child dress for Beach Day on Friday. Student Council organizes our LKS spirit days and we often have short notice. Thanks to the Grade Parents for helping us spread the news. The children loved wearing their shorts, googles and sunglasses. Maybe it helped to bring this great weather! Thanks again!
This week's upcoming activities include our April Sharing Assembly on Thursday at 9:00 am. Everyone is welcome. We will be sharing a Spring poem. On Friday is Pizza Day.
Just a reminder, at the front of your child's sight word book, there are words for you to keep at home. Please put them in a prominent place that your child can practise them. For example, if they were displayed in his/her bedroom, they could read 2 or more each night before going to bed, or use them to play school. Putting the in the kitchen, then everyone could read them. When you leave them in the book, they often fall out at school and we don't want to lose any of the words.
Thank you very much for your wonderful emails. You have touched my heart!
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Sharing Assembly at 9:00 am
-return Sight Word books and Sound
Review books
Friday-Pizza Day
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Friday, 13 April 2018
Welcome to the middle of April, if only the weather would co-operate! Fingers crossed for a warmer and drier week ahead. Thank you very much for all your support this week, helping your children participate in all of our special days. The classroom was pink on Wednesday to celebrate Pink Day. We have been discussing being a good friend and being tolerant of others and their differences. When our Reading Buddies visited on Tuesday, they helped us trace our hands, cut them out and decorate them. These hands became part of a poster to show that we are all special and we belong. This poster is on display in our classroom. On Wednesday, the children created figures wearing pink shirts. The children added positive messages on their shirts to reinforce being a good friend. This wonderful art is on our classroom door. On Thursday, we showed our support for Humboldt by wearing our jerseys, LKS shirts and green and gold. Thank you so much for helping to explain this unimaginable tragedy to your children. It was touching to hear the children discuss why they were wearing jerseys, how their parents wore jerseys or green and gold to work. They also talked about leaving hockey sticks outside their homes. The children were so proud to be part of something that everyone in the school, the city and the country were participating in.
The class also completed their April pictures this week. The children participated in a variety of measuring activities using cubes and marshmallows for non-standard measurement. In the computer lab, they used ABCya to connect the dots and put numbers in numerical order. During gym classes the students played a co-operative game in pairs called "knee to knee" and practised their dance moves.
We will be having a scientist visit Tuesday morning to guide us through a variety of activities. Thank you very much to our volunteers for the morning. If you are volunteering, please arrive at school at 8:35 so the scientist has the opportunity to discuss your activity with you. Volunteers are listed on the April calendar. Volunteers will have to sign in at the office and get a visitor's tag. If you are unable to attend, please let the grade parents know as soon as possible. The scientist's visit is always a great learning opportunity.
On Thursday, April 19, LKS will be hosting a "Day in the Life of your Student". Everyone is invited to visit our classroom with your child acting as a guide and host. Miss Santiago and I will be setting up a variety of favourite classroom activities for you to do with your child. These include drama, math, reading, sight words and building centres. The Kindergarten Open House is from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. This evening is organized as a drop in activity and you will not need to attend for the entire hour. Miss Santiago and I look forward to seeing you then. Please see us if you have an questions. Thanks in advance.
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Scientist visits in the morning
Snuggle up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Return Sound Review books and Sight
Word Books
*LKS Open House 6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Snuggle Up books exchanged
The class also completed their April pictures this week. The children participated in a variety of measuring activities using cubes and marshmallows for non-standard measurement. In the computer lab, they used ABCya to connect the dots and put numbers in numerical order. During gym classes the students played a co-operative game in pairs called "knee to knee" and practised their dance moves.
We will be having a scientist visit Tuesday morning to guide us through a variety of activities. Thank you very much to our volunteers for the morning. If you are volunteering, please arrive at school at 8:35 so the scientist has the opportunity to discuss your activity with you. Volunteers are listed on the April calendar. Volunteers will have to sign in at the office and get a visitor's tag. If you are unable to attend, please let the grade parents know as soon as possible. The scientist's visit is always a great learning opportunity.
On Thursday, April 19, LKS will be hosting a "Day in the Life of your Student". Everyone is invited to visit our classroom with your child acting as a guide and host. Miss Santiago and I will be setting up a variety of favourite classroom activities for you to do with your child. These include drama, math, reading, sight words and building centres. The Kindergarten Open House is from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. This evening is organized as a drop in activity and you will not need to attend for the entire hour. Miss Santiago and I look forward to seeing you then. Please see us if you have an questions. Thanks in advance.
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Tuesday-Scientist visits in the morning
Snuggle up books exchanged
Wednesday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Return Sound Review books and Sight
Word Books
*LKS Open House 6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Special days this week:
Wednesday, April 11-wear pink
Thursday, April 12-wear a hockey jersey to honour the Humboldt Broncos hockey team
Friday, April 13-wear your Terry Fox shirt to remember the first day of the Marathon of Hope
Thursday and Friday special days were just announced today. Sorry for the short notice.
Sunday, 8 April 2018
I hope that everyone had a wonderful first week of April. It was hard to believe it was April with all the snow flurries and cold weather. Fingers crossed that this week will be warmer and hopefully not too rainy. The children visited the book fair in the library this week. Thank you very much for returning all the wish lists and payments for the books you wished to purchase. Many books were sold out when we visited on Friday and those books will be ordered and your child's purchases will be delivered to our classroom when they arrive. We do not know the timeline for delivery, but hopefully it will be quick. Thanks in advance for your patience as we work through this new system with Mabel's Fables. If you have any questions, please see Ms. McGee.
This week the children completed their April calendars and made robins in nests for the artwork. The children are also enjoying inspecting the birds' nests we have in the classroom. In math, we are starting measurement activities using non-standard units including cubes and paper clips. Our Reading Buddies traced the Kindergarten students' feet on Tuesday and the children measured and recorded the results on Friday. This activity can be seen on our bulletin board outside our classroom. Pictures to follow. We will continue with measurement activities in the following weeks.
In the computer lab, Miss Santiago had the children use Pebblego to research facts about the rain. There was no gym this week due to volleyball and badminton tournaments in the gym. The children used their library period this week to visit the book fair. Regular library periods will resume this week.
On Wednesday, April 11, LKS will be participating in Pink Day. Pink Day is the International Day against bullying and discrimination. It is a day to celebrate diversity. Let's show our support and wear PINK on Wednesday!
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Scholastic Book Orders Due
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Pink Day
Library (B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Return Sound Review Books and Sight
word books
Snuggle Up books exchanged
This week the children completed their April calendars and made robins in nests for the artwork. The children are also enjoying inspecting the birds' nests we have in the classroom. In math, we are starting measurement activities using non-standard units including cubes and paper clips. Our Reading Buddies traced the Kindergarten students' feet on Tuesday and the children measured and recorded the results on Friday. This activity can be seen on our bulletin board outside our classroom. Pictures to follow. We will continue with measurement activities in the following weeks.
In the computer lab, Miss Santiago had the children use Pebblego to research facts about the rain. There was no gym this week due to volleyball and badminton tournaments in the gym. The children used their library period this week to visit the book fair. Regular library periods will resume this week.
On Wednesday, April 11, LKS will be participating in Pink Day. Pink Day is the International Day against bullying and discrimination. It is a day to celebrate diversity. Let's show our support and wear PINK on Wednesday!
This Week:
Monday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Scholastic Book Orders Due
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Pink Day
Library (B), Computers (A)
Thursday-Return Sound Review Books and Sight
word books
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Saturday, 31 March 2018
Happy long weekend! I hope you are enjoying your time with family and friends this weekend. We had a busy week with many Spring and Easter activities. The children drew on hard boiled eggs and then dyed them on Monday and also created bunny bags for their goodies! On Tuesday, we had our Spring party. Thank you to all of our volunteers and for our food and drink donations. A great time was had by all. The children had the opportunity to circulate through 6 activities, including writing a bunny card, designing an Easter egg on aluminum foil, constructing a stand-up bunny, assembling a puzzle by counting by 10's, creating a chick and making a fun bunny face. We also started our working on measurement by sequencing Easter eggs from the smallest to the largest. The students also played a variety of games using sight words on plastic eggs. These activities will continue next week.

We will be visiting the book fair in the library on Wednesday and Friday this week. There is a new format which is explained in the Parent Bulletin. During our first visit on Wednesday morning, the children will be creating a wish list of books they would like to purchase. This list will be sent home with your child. On Friday, you may send cash or your credit card number and your child may purchase some items from their wish list. The book fair is also open Thursday and Friday for you to visit with your child. As always there is no obligation to purchase books. Both of our book fair visits are scheduled for the morning. Please see Ms. McGee if you have any questions. This is a new format, so we are all learning the procedure.
In the computer lab this week, the children went on BookFlix and explored stories about Easter and bunnies. The students played a game called Rice Crispies and Duck, duck goose.
A reminder that there is no school on Monday, so mailbags should be returned to school on Tuesday to exchange Snuggle Up books. Thanks in advance.
This Week:
Monday-No School
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Book Fair visit to create Wish List
Thursday-Return Sound Review books and Sight Word books
Friday-Bring your wish list and payment for any items you wish to purchase at the book fair
You may return library books, but the library will be closed for book exchange due to the book fair.
Scholastic Book Orders are due Monday, April 9.
Mark your calendars-Thursday April 19 is the LKS Open House and you will be able to visit classrooms and participate in the same activities that your child completes at school.

We will be visiting the book fair in the library on Wednesday and Friday this week. There is a new format which is explained in the Parent Bulletin. During our first visit on Wednesday morning, the children will be creating a wish list of books they would like to purchase. This list will be sent home with your child. On Friday, you may send cash or your credit card number and your child may purchase some items from their wish list. The book fair is also open Thursday and Friday for you to visit with your child. As always there is no obligation to purchase books. Both of our book fair visits are scheduled for the morning. Please see Ms. McGee if you have any questions. This is a new format, so we are all learning the procedure.
In the computer lab this week, the children went on BookFlix and explored stories about Easter and bunnies. The students played a game called Rice Crispies and Duck, duck goose.
A reminder that there is no school on Monday, so mailbags should be returned to school on Tuesday to exchange Snuggle Up books. Thanks in advance.
This Week:
Monday-No School
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Book Fair visit to create Wish List
Thursday-Return Sound Review books and Sight Word books
Friday-Bring your wish list and payment for any items you wish to purchase at the book fair
You may return library books, but the library will be closed for book exchange due to the book fair.
Scholastic Book Orders are due Monday, April 9.
Mark your calendars-Thursday April 19 is the LKS Open House and you will be able to visit classrooms and participate in the same activities that your child completes at school.
Sunday, 25 March 2018
Welcome back, I hope that everyone had a wonderful March Break. It was great to hear about all the fun activities that happened during the week off from the children. We had a busy week exploring "The Three Little Pigs" through a variety of activities. The children had the opportunity to investigate the characters, setting and retell important details from the story. We concluded with the children building a house for a pig which would withstand the huffing and puffing of the big bad wolf. Each child was given a plate with a pig in the middle, 12 fruit gummies and as many toothpicks as they wished. They were challenged to build a house with the pig inside. When their house was completed, the big bad wolf came to try to blow it down.
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Waiting for the builders! |
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Building a house |
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The big bad wolf huffed and he puffed, but he could not blow the house down! |
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Happy March Break! I hope that everyone has time to have fun and do some special activities with your family this week. Try and make time to put the devices and screens away and play games, read or explore with your child. It is difficult to believe that Spring arrives next week as I see snowflakes outside my window. Fingers crossed that we have some "lamb" weather when we return to school.
We had a busy week exploring "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" in Room 159. In the drama centre the children enjoyed playing the characters from the story and acting out the story. It was great to hear so many different voices for the characters and such great detailed retelling. The students also completed a book discussing the setting, the characters and the sequence of the story.
The children continued explored 3d shapes this week and sorted shapes into 2 categories, shapes that roll and shapes that slide. We had set up ramps and 3d shapes on the carpet, so the children could experiment and then record their findings. They also learned that shapes with flat faces slide, shapes with curved surfaces roll and some shapes can do both.
We have also set up a table with a 100 piece puzzle for the children to work on. Interested children can visit this centre and then leave the puzzle and other children can come and also add to the puzzle. It is a great invitation for teamwork! Our Reading Buddies visited on Friday and everyone played a 3d shape bingo game. Miss Santiago and I sent home the sheets so you can play this at home. Enjoy!
In the computer lab, the children played Shape Construction on ABCya. Miss Santiago introduced the children to crab soccer in the gym. The children had a great time! We also practised writing sight words on the white boards in small groups this week!
This Week:
Monday-Welcome Back!
Library (B), Computers (A)
Tuesday-First Day of Spring!
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review books and Sight Word books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Pizza Day
We had a busy week exploring "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" in Room 159. In the drama centre the children enjoyed playing the characters from the story and acting out the story. It was great to hear so many different voices for the characters and such great detailed retelling. The students also completed a book discussing the setting, the characters and the sequence of the story.
The children continued explored 3d shapes this week and sorted shapes into 2 categories, shapes that roll and shapes that slide. We had set up ramps and 3d shapes on the carpet, so the children could experiment and then record their findings. They also learned that shapes with flat faces slide, shapes with curved surfaces roll and some shapes can do both.
We have also set up a table with a 100 piece puzzle for the children to work on. Interested children can visit this centre and then leave the puzzle and other children can come and also add to the puzzle. It is a great invitation for teamwork! Our Reading Buddies visited on Friday and everyone played a 3d shape bingo game. Miss Santiago and I sent home the sheets so you can play this at home. Enjoy!
In the computer lab, the children played Shape Construction on ABCya. Miss Santiago introduced the children to crab soccer in the gym. The children had a great time! We also practised writing sight words on the white boards in small groups this week!
This Week:
Monday-Welcome Back!
Library (B), Computers (A)
Tuesday-First Day of Spring!
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review books and Sight Word books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Pizza Day
Sunday, 4 March 2018
Happy March! Fingers crossed that Spring is on the way. The children completed their March calendars this week and created lions and lambs as we classify the weather this month. Hopefully there will be more lamb days than lion days. As the weather continues to change please send splash pants or snow pants (depending on the weather) with your child. Our playground continues to have wet spots and no one wants to be dirty or wet for the school day. Thanks in advance. If your child does not have splash pants, this is a great time to purchase a pair.
We investigated "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" this week. The drama centre had bowls, chairs and towels for beds. The children enjoyed wearing the name of their character and acting out the story. The Junior Kindergarten students completed work naming the characters in the story and the Senior Kindergarten students drew the characters, the setting and the beginning, middle and end of the story. Our building challenge this week was to build a bed for Goldilocks. Goldilocks was made of paper on a recipe card, but had keys taped to the back of the paper to make her heavier. The children were given a variety of materials including 2 paper cups, small blocks, craft foam, popsicle sticks, pompoms, chopsticks and recipe cards to build a bed. They had to use a minimum of 2 different materials, the bed had to hold Goldilocks and there had to be space under the bed. The students did a wonderful job constructing their beds. We will be studying "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" this week. There will be a lot of "trip trapping' over the bridge!
We continued learning and experimenting with 3 d shapes this week. We built a ramp and the children took turns determining if their shape would roll, slide or roll and slide down the ramp. We then classified the shapes in a Venn diagram. Please see pictures to the right of the blog. In the computer lab, the children played "What Came First?". This game uses adventure stories to practise story sequencing and is on Book Flix. In the gym, the children used the parachute to play Cat and Mouse and also played a game called Birds Nest.
On Tuesday, we will be attending a presentation from the Youth Wellness Network, entitled, "How to Become Your Own Best Friend." This is based on extending the golden rule to treating ourselves the way we want to be treated so we can treat others the way they want to be treated. This presentation teaches students the tools to build a stronger foundation of self-esteem and self-love.
Miss Santiago and I would like to wish everyone a wonderful March Break. Hopefully you will have the opportunity to spend some fun time doing special things with your family. This is always a great time to explore a new book, a board game or just enjoy a nice walk in the neighbourhood. Hopefully we will return to sunny warmer days!
This Week:
Monday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up Books exchanged
Youth Wellness presentation
Wednesday-Scholastic Book orders due
You can order and pay online
Thursday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review books and
Sight Word Books
Friday-Snuggle Up Books exchanged
Have a wonderful March Break!
See everyone on Monday, March 19!
We investigated "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" this week. The drama centre had bowls, chairs and towels for beds. The children enjoyed wearing the name of their character and acting out the story. The Junior Kindergarten students completed work naming the characters in the story and the Senior Kindergarten students drew the characters, the setting and the beginning, middle and end of the story. Our building challenge this week was to build a bed for Goldilocks. Goldilocks was made of paper on a recipe card, but had keys taped to the back of the paper to make her heavier. The children were given a variety of materials including 2 paper cups, small blocks, craft foam, popsicle sticks, pompoms, chopsticks and recipe cards to build a bed. They had to use a minimum of 2 different materials, the bed had to hold Goldilocks and there had to be space under the bed. The students did a wonderful job constructing their beds. We will be studying "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" this week. There will be a lot of "trip trapping' over the bridge!
We continued learning and experimenting with 3 d shapes this week. We built a ramp and the children took turns determining if their shape would roll, slide or roll and slide down the ramp. We then classified the shapes in a Venn diagram. Please see pictures to the right of the blog. In the computer lab, the children played "What Came First?". This game uses adventure stories to practise story sequencing and is on Book Flix. In the gym, the children used the parachute to play Cat and Mouse and also played a game called Birds Nest.
On Tuesday, we will be attending a presentation from the Youth Wellness Network, entitled, "How to Become Your Own Best Friend." This is based on extending the golden rule to treating ourselves the way we want to be treated so we can treat others the way they want to be treated. This presentation teaches students the tools to build a stronger foundation of self-esteem and self-love.
Miss Santiago and I would like to wish everyone a wonderful March Break. Hopefully you will have the opportunity to spend some fun time doing special things with your family. This is always a great time to explore a new book, a board game or just enjoy a nice walk in the neighbourhood. Hopefully we will return to sunny warmer days!
This Week:
Monday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Tuesday-Snuggle Up Books exchanged
Youth Wellness presentation
Wednesday-Scholastic Book orders due
You can order and pay online
Thursday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review books and
Sight Word Books
Friday-Snuggle Up Books exchanged
Have a wonderful March Break!
See everyone on Monday, March 19!
Sunday, 25 February 2018
Welcome to the end of February, although the weather is feeling Spring like at the moment. Hopefully the rain and dreary clouds will end soon. We discussed Chinese New Year this week and create dragons for the traditional dragon dance. On Friday we took our dragons to the office and shared a song and dragon dance with Mr. Currie and Miss Emily. We also introduced 3d shapes. Using 3d models and real life examples the children explored the sphere, the cylinder, the rectangular prism, the cone and cube. The students also worked on a book matching 3d shapes. This week we will continue to explore 3d shapes and begin to discuss their features including flat faces and curved surfaces.
We are beginning a unit on Fairy Tales this week which will include drama activities, sequencing activities and story mapping. Through a variety of stories the children will be discussing characters, setting and the beginning, middle and ending of stories. We will also be including some building challenges, stay tuned!
On Monday, LKS will be welcoming the Toronto Argonauts and the Grey Cup! We will be attending the school "Huddle Up" assembly in the afternoon. The Argonauts' "Huddle Up" mission is to improve the overall well-being of youth by creating a positive school climate and building positive character. Each student at LKS has designed a t-shirt to promote positive character. These shirts can be seen in the front hall display case. Please have a look the next time you visit the school. They look great! To show our Argo spirit, please have your child wear an Argo shirt, dark blue, light blue and or white on Monday. Thanks in advance.
On Friday, we sent home the March leader calendar. If your child's leader day is during your vacation, please trade with another student. The children who have not yet had their leader turn will continue with something they have made and the next sharing topic is a Mystery Object. Please see me or Miss Santiago if you have any questions.
The playground continues to be very wet and soggy. Please have your child wear or bring snow pants or splash pants for outdoor play. No one wants to have wet pants at school. If your child is not dressed properly for outdoor play, there are limits on the activities they can participate in. Thanks so much.
This Week:
Monday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Argos visit-wear light blue, dark blue
and/or white
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Happy March!
Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review books and Sight
Word books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Happy Friday!
We are beginning a unit on Fairy Tales this week which will include drama activities, sequencing activities and story mapping. Through a variety of stories the children will be discussing characters, setting and the beginning, middle and ending of stories. We will also be including some building challenges, stay tuned!
On Monday, LKS will be welcoming the Toronto Argonauts and the Grey Cup! We will be attending the school "Huddle Up" assembly in the afternoon. The Argonauts' "Huddle Up" mission is to improve the overall well-being of youth by creating a positive school climate and building positive character. Each student at LKS has designed a t-shirt to promote positive character. These shirts can be seen in the front hall display case. Please have a look the next time you visit the school. They look great! To show our Argo spirit, please have your child wear an Argo shirt, dark blue, light blue and or white on Monday. Thanks in advance.
On Friday, we sent home the March leader calendar. If your child's leader day is during your vacation, please trade with another student. The children who have not yet had their leader turn will continue with something they have made and the next sharing topic is a Mystery Object. Please see me or Miss Santiago if you have any questions.
The playground continues to be very wet and soggy. Please have your child wear or bring snow pants or splash pants for outdoor play. No one wants to have wet pants at school. If your child is not dressed properly for outdoor play, there are limits on the activities they can participate in. Thanks so much.
This Week:
Monday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Argos visit-wear light blue, dark blue
and/or white
Tuesday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Happy March!
Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review books and Sight
Word books
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Happy Friday!
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Happy Family Day Weekend! I hope that everyone enjoys this long weekend. We have heard lots of fun plans for the children and families this week. This was an extremely busy week in Room 159. On Monday, we celebrated the 100th day of school. Thank you to everyone who volunteered in the classroom and sent in snacks and drinks. It was a great day of celebrating the first 100 days of school. The children rotated through activities including making 100 day hats, putting 100 stickers on a paper in groups of 10, completing a puzzle counting by 10's, making a book about 100 and creating a necklace with 100 fruit loops.
We also completed valentine crafts this week and opened our valentines. Thank you to everyone for helping your child complete his/her valentines. It was wonderful to watch the students deliver their valentines and then opening all the cards on Wednesday. They were so excited to see how many valentines they received and then reading all the names. Miss Santiago made hot chocolate for everyone as a Valentine treat on Wednesday. On Thursday, we went to the gym to see the Three Little Pigs put on by the Dufflebag Theatre. It was a wonderful interactive theatre presentation. Thanks to Parent Council for funding this special experience.
We will begin learning about 3 dimensional shapes this week. We will focus on the sphere, the cone, the cube and rectangular prism and the cylinder. During our investigation of these shapes we will introduce terms including flat faces, curved surfaces, slide and roll. This is always a fun unit as the children enjoy learning new terms and exploring the features of the shapes. We are creating a museum of 3d objects. Please feel free to bring to school an example of a 3d shape you have at home, for example a tennis ball is a sphere. Thanks in advance. We will also be discussing Chinese New Year this week.
Miss Santiago introduced the parachute in the gym this week and the children played a popcorn parachute game. In the computer lab, the students explored a Valentine's Day game.
We will continue talking about the Olympics this week. Throughout the day, we take the opportunity to watch special events and Olympic highlights. We have created a medal graph to show our medal count. Go Canada Go!
Our February Sharing Assembly is Friday, February 23. The Kindergarten classes will be presenting a song. Certificates will be presented for the character trait of Fairness. Award winners will be notified this weekend. Sharing Assemblies begin at 9:00 am in the gym and last for approximately 20 minutes. Everyone is welcome!
Enjoy your child's poetry book this weekend. A reminder to please sign and return your child's report card envelope.
As the snow melts, please continue to send your child with snow pants or splash pants. The Kindergarten yard can be very wet and muddy this time of year. We don't want anyone to have wet pants and be uncomfortable at school. Thanks so much.
This Week:
Monday-Happy Family Day!
Tuesday-I am helping with Kindergarten Registration in the afternoon, there will be a supply teacher with Miss Santiago.
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review Books and Sight Word books
Friday-Sharing Assembly
Pizza Day
Snuggle Up books exchanged
We also completed valentine crafts this week and opened our valentines. Thank you to everyone for helping your child complete his/her valentines. It was wonderful to watch the students deliver their valentines and then opening all the cards on Wednesday. They were so excited to see how many valentines they received and then reading all the names. Miss Santiago made hot chocolate for everyone as a Valentine treat on Wednesday. On Thursday, we went to the gym to see the Three Little Pigs put on by the Dufflebag Theatre. It was a wonderful interactive theatre presentation. Thanks to Parent Council for funding this special experience.
We will begin learning about 3 dimensional shapes this week. We will focus on the sphere, the cone, the cube and rectangular prism and the cylinder. During our investigation of these shapes we will introduce terms including flat faces, curved surfaces, slide and roll. This is always a fun unit as the children enjoy learning new terms and exploring the features of the shapes. We are creating a museum of 3d objects. Please feel free to bring to school an example of a 3d shape you have at home, for example a tennis ball is a sphere. Thanks in advance. We will also be discussing Chinese New Year this week.
Miss Santiago introduced the parachute in the gym this week and the children played a popcorn parachute game. In the computer lab, the students explored a Valentine's Day game.
We will continue talking about the Olympics this week. Throughout the day, we take the opportunity to watch special events and Olympic highlights. We have created a medal graph to show our medal count. Go Canada Go!
Our February Sharing Assembly is Friday, February 23. The Kindergarten classes will be presenting a song. Certificates will be presented for the character trait of Fairness. Award winners will be notified this weekend. Sharing Assemblies begin at 9:00 am in the gym and last for approximately 20 minutes. Everyone is welcome!
Enjoy your child's poetry book this weekend. A reminder to please sign and return your child's report card envelope.
As the snow melts, please continue to send your child with snow pants or splash pants. The Kindergarten yard can be very wet and muddy this time of year. We don't want anyone to have wet pants and be uncomfortable at school. Thanks so much.
This Week:
Monday-Happy Family Day!
Tuesday-I am helping with Kindergarten Registration in the afternoon, there will be a supply teacher with Miss Santiago.
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Thursday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Return Sound Review Books and Sight Word books
Friday-Sharing Assembly
Pizza Day
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Saturday, 10 February 2018
Happy 100th Day and Happy Valentine's Day! This will be a busy week in Room 159. Thank you to everyone for helping your child complete their 100th day project. The children have been enjoying explaining their project and discussing how they counted 100 objects. We have been learning that you need 10 groups of 10 to make 100. It was wonderful hearing one child tell the class that he brought 100 straws and there were still 100 straws at home since the box had 200 straws. What great learning! A reminder that the last 100 day projects should be brought to school on Monday. Thanks to everyone for following the schedule. The children have also been busy delivering their valentines. They work together in pairs to drop the cards into their friends' mailbags. Please send all remaining valentines to school on Monday or Tuesday.
In anticipation of 100 days, the children have been building with 100 cups. They have been building towers, pyramids and other buildings. It has been fun! We have also created a writing centre with a mailbox. The children have paper, colourful pens and stickers to create mail for their classmates. They then put the mail in the correct spot. Lots of great learning happening here!
All the children received a Word Book in their mailbags this week. This book will be sent home each week with new words in the front pocket. Please take out the words and keep them at home to practise. There is a note inside the book explaining that the children may practise writing the words on the lines and may write sentences if they wish. A reminder to encourage the children to be as independent as possible when writing. The only exception is that the words they are practising should be spelled correctly. Please return the books on or before Thursday each week, so we can add the new words. Enjoy!
The children completed their February pictures this week. We also played a dice rolling game with our Reading Buddies. Each person had a sheet and they coloured in the numbers to 100 as they rolled the dice. On Friday, the children created pictures using the number 100. It was great to see what they designed using their imagination. Their great work is displayed on our classroom door.
In the computer lab with Miss Santiago this week, the children played 2d and 3d shape games and shape pattern games on Starfall. The students played Bird's Nest in the gym.
On Thursday, the children enjoyed our visit to the mobile planetarium in the library. While sitting inside the planetarium the children saw a rocket blast off, the Earth, other planets and stars from space. Thanks to Parent Council for funding this great experience. For more information you may visit http://ontarioplanetarium.com.
Thank you so much for helping your child show his/her Leaf Spirit on Friday. We even did attendance, with "Go Leafs Go" instead of our usual "Good Morning!" Unfortunately Carleton the Bear was not able to visit LKS and the assembly was for Grades 1-8. The children did enjoy their slice of pizza at lunch. Thanks again.
The children are looking forward to their 100 day celebration on Monday. Thank you to our classroom volunteers and everyone who is bringing snacks. It will be a fun morning! Miss Santiago and I have organized 5 centres for the children to visit. If you are volunteering at the party, please bring shoes to wear during the morning.
To help our celebration of Valentine's Day, please have your child wear red, white or pink on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Dufflebag Theatre will be doing a presentation in the gym and we will try to rearrange our library time. Please have your child return his/her book and we will attempt to have a quick book exchange.
This Week:
Monday-Report Cards Home
100th Day Party
Zero the Hero visits
Tuesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Wednesday-Happy Valentine's Day
Wear red, white or pink
Thursday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Friday-P.A. Day-No School
A reminder that Monday is Family Day and there is no school. Enjoy the long weekend with your friends and family.
In anticipation of 100 days, the children have been building with 100 cups. They have been building towers, pyramids and other buildings. It has been fun! We have also created a writing centre with a mailbox. The children have paper, colourful pens and stickers to create mail for their classmates. They then put the mail in the correct spot. Lots of great learning happening here!
All the children received a Word Book in their mailbags this week. This book will be sent home each week with new words in the front pocket. Please take out the words and keep them at home to practise. There is a note inside the book explaining that the children may practise writing the words on the lines and may write sentences if they wish. A reminder to encourage the children to be as independent as possible when writing. The only exception is that the words they are practising should be spelled correctly. Please return the books on or before Thursday each week, so we can add the new words. Enjoy!
The children completed their February pictures this week. We also played a dice rolling game with our Reading Buddies. Each person had a sheet and they coloured in the numbers to 100 as they rolled the dice. On Friday, the children created pictures using the number 100. It was great to see what they designed using their imagination. Their great work is displayed on our classroom door.
In the computer lab with Miss Santiago this week, the children played 2d and 3d shape games and shape pattern games on Starfall. The students played Bird's Nest in the gym.
On Thursday, the children enjoyed our visit to the mobile planetarium in the library. While sitting inside the planetarium the children saw a rocket blast off, the Earth, other planets and stars from space. Thanks to Parent Council for funding this great experience. For more information you may visit http://ontarioplanetarium.com.
Thank you so much for helping your child show his/her Leaf Spirit on Friday. We even did attendance, with "Go Leafs Go" instead of our usual "Good Morning!" Unfortunately Carleton the Bear was not able to visit LKS and the assembly was for Grades 1-8. The children did enjoy their slice of pizza at lunch. Thanks again.
The children are looking forward to their 100 day celebration on Monday. Thank you to our classroom volunteers and everyone who is bringing snacks. It will be a fun morning! Miss Santiago and I have organized 5 centres for the children to visit. If you are volunteering at the party, please bring shoes to wear during the morning.
To help our celebration of Valentine's Day, please have your child wear red, white or pink on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Dufflebag Theatre will be doing a presentation in the gym and we will try to rearrange our library time. Please have your child return his/her book and we will attempt to have a quick book exchange.
This Week:
Monday-Report Cards Home
100th Day Party
Zero the Hero visits
Tuesday-Library (A), Computers (B)
Wednesday-Happy Valentine's Day
Wear red, white or pink
Thursday-Library (B), Computers (A)
Friday-P.A. Day-No School
A reminder that Monday is Family Day and there is no school. Enjoy the long weekend with your friends and family.
Saturday, 3 February 2018
Happy February! Welcome to the shortest month! Even though February only has 28 days this year, it is always a busy, busy month. We will be celebrating the 100th day of school, Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year. The children celebrated Groundhog Day on Friday. Let's hope that Spring is closer than 6 weeks away.
The children have been busy investigating 2D shapes. On Wednesday the children searched for 2D shapes in the school with their Reading Buddies. It was wonderful to watch the students working with their buddies and recording the 2D shapes they found on the first floor of the school. We will continue with 2D shapes this week. The students also completed art activities using shapes to create pictures and a shape collage. The shape collages are on display on our hallway bulletin board.
This will be a busy week as the children begin to share their 100 day projects. Please check the schedule for your child's day to share. We have divided the children into groups, so that the presentations are spread out over the week. Your child will come home with their project after they have shared it with the class. We do not have room for 28 100 day projects in the classroom. I hope that everyone is enjoying this fun activity with your child. Miss Santiago and I can't wait to see them.
Your child may also bring in their valentines beginning on Monday. All valentines should be at school by Tuesday, February 13, so the children have time to deliver them. The children love reading their classmates' names and putting them into the correct bag.
The mobile planetarium is visiting the school on Thursday and Friday. The library will be closed due to the display, so the children will not have library and computers on Thursday. We visit the planetarium Thursday morning.
Carleton the Bear, the Maple Leaf mascot will be visiting the LKS on Friday. Let's show our Leaf spirit and wear your leaf clothing or blue and white clothing. Go Leafs Go!
The leader will be writing his/her address on the leader chart for this cycle of leaders. Please practise this important information with your child.
This Week:
Valentines can come to school
Tuesday-100 day presentations begin, check the
Library (A), computers (B)
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Winter Walk Day-walk to school!
Thursday-Return Sound Review book
No library and computers due to
planetarium visit
We visit the planetarium in the library
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wear blue/white or Leafs clothing
Carleton the bear visits
The children have been busy investigating 2D shapes. On Wednesday the children searched for 2D shapes in the school with their Reading Buddies. It was wonderful to watch the students working with their buddies and recording the 2D shapes they found on the first floor of the school. We will continue with 2D shapes this week. The students also completed art activities using shapes to create pictures and a shape collage. The shape collages are on display on our hallway bulletin board.
This will be a busy week as the children begin to share their 100 day projects. Please check the schedule for your child's day to share. We have divided the children into groups, so that the presentations are spread out over the week. Your child will come home with their project after they have shared it with the class. We do not have room for 28 100 day projects in the classroom. I hope that everyone is enjoying this fun activity with your child. Miss Santiago and I can't wait to see them.
Your child may also bring in their valentines beginning on Monday. All valentines should be at school by Tuesday, February 13, so the children have time to deliver them. The children love reading their classmates' names and putting them into the correct bag.
The mobile planetarium is visiting the school on Thursday and Friday. The library will be closed due to the display, so the children will not have library and computers on Thursday. We visit the planetarium Thursday morning.
Carleton the Bear, the Maple Leaf mascot will be visiting the LKS on Friday. Let's show our Leaf spirit and wear your leaf clothing or blue and white clothing. Go Leafs Go!
The leader will be writing his/her address on the leader chart for this cycle of leaders. Please practise this important information with your child.
This Week:
Valentines can come to school
Tuesday-100 day presentations begin, check the
Library (A), computers (B)
Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wednesday-Winter Walk Day-walk to school!
Thursday-Return Sound Review book
No library and computers due to
planetarium visit
We visit the planetarium in the library
Friday-Snuggle Up books exchanged
Wear blue/white or Leafs clothing
Carleton the bear visits
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